Why is conio.h not required when we save a file as .c and
use clrscr() or getch() ?
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Answer / kuldeep yadav
not only conio.h , also stdio.h we dont need while saving a
C program with the extension '.c'... but in recent turbo C
or borland C compilers only it's allowing , it may be to
reduce the time of typing these files to include rather
getting automatically included.....
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not only conio.h , also stdio.h we dont need while saving a
C program with the extension '.c'... but in recent turbo C
or borland C compilers only it's allowing , it may be to
reduce the time of typing these files to include rather
getting automatically included.....
and even we can type main() instead of void main() , it is
accepting with the warning.............
thank u
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