I have all the latest SAP – Business Objects - XI
Certification Dumps,
SABE201: BUSINESS OBJECTS(TM) Enterprise Certified
Professional XI – Level One
SABE301: BUSINESS OBJECTS(TM) Enterprise Certified
Professional XI – Level Two
SABE401: BUSINESS OBJECTS Enterprise Certified Professional
XI – Level Three
SABE501V3.0: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional –
BUSINESS OBJECTS Enterprise XI 3.0 – Update.
RDCR201: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional – Crystal
Reports 2008 – Level One
RDCR301:1 BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional – Crystal
Reports 2008 – Level Two
RDCR08201: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional –
Crystal Reports 2008 – Level One
RDCR08301: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional –
Crystal Reports 2008 – Level Two
RDCR08401: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional –
Crystal Reports 2008
QAWI201V3.0: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional Web
Intelligence XI 3.0
QAWI301V3.0: BUSINESS OBJECTS Certified Professional
BUSINESS OBJECTS Web Intelligence XI 3
DMDI201: BUSINESS OBJECTS Data Integrator XI – Level One
DMDI301: BUSINESS OBJECTS Data Integrator XI – Level Two
You can get Guarantee Pass 100 % Score with these Dumps,
If interested in any of the dump, drop me a mail to:
srivatsav.2k5@gmail.com with Certification code
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / anoop
Hi All,
Please see the above this can be a single person telling
the same that "I got cleared"..
Please do not send moeny to him he can cheat you.
There are no such dump for Business Objects ..please visit
the official web site ..I am sure the same person will
again tell that "Anoop I got cleard etc..."
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / mukund
Dear All
Yes i also got SABE201 , SABE301 , SABE401 Dumps genuinely
from Vatsav,
I scored all above 96 % Score.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / neha
Hi Anoop
I got the SABE Dumps from Sri Vatsav
I scored Full Score in all of the SABE Dumps he gave me
You should have taken Dumps from him.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / brijesh
Please delete this page as these codes not existed at all and viewers are getting confused with this page
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / anoop
Hi All,
He is asking for an amount for this I am not sure ..
if he will give you dumbs once you transfer the money.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / saleha
Dear Vatsav
Thanks a lot in Tonns
I got all Qs&Ans exactly from the SABE Dumps you gave me & Passed with High Score,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 15 No |
HI, Can any body explain me ? If we careate objects using derived tables it will decreasess the performence? If we are not creating the objects using the derived tables then what is the use of having the derived tables?
what is zero client and thin client ?
Why do we need metrics and sets?
is it possible to export the webi reports to crystal reports?with out using businessview?
Let me know the things we can do in webi and cannot do it in full client and vice verse for bo6.5?
What is security level in BO ?
Why do we need Three environments Like DEV, UAT, PROD. Need detailed answer please
what is tuning of business reports ?
5 Answers Business Intelligence Analytics, Oracle, TCS,
What is metrics?
can some body explain how migrate the BoXI r2 to BO 3.x and crystal reports XI r1 to Crystal report 2008 ?
what is confirm dimension ?
Can anybody explain me the following Authodications? Enterprise,LDAP,Standalone,Windows AD and Windows NT ?