Whether construction of office cum storage comes under CMA under Agriculture or Non Farm Sector
what perposs calculate the fixed assets
Tell me something about you
what is the difference between cash book and petty cash book?
please tell me questions asked in NICMAR for the post of accounts executive
taken loan from Private person(Dec'2014) - Rs. 6 lac and already interest paid for the year 115200 but interest taken for A/c Rs.38400/-.(upto March2015). remaining amount for this year i.e. 76800/- how to enter in tally. please clearify
1 Answers College School Exams Tests,
how to calculate IT? if bank intrest:1036 , long term capital gain:448841 short term capital gain :894 , income from rent 225000, and income from other source 347478, Advance tax paid 25000,lic 101508, medicliam 6990 and tds recd.25000
define drawer or maker
Expand ------BPS
Choose the right answer when cheque given to a creditor dishonour,we have to credit 1.Creditor 2.Bank 3.loss
introduce yourself?