Expand ------UNDP
what is the accounting entries of travel advance given to employee and settlement entries of same.
wat is contra Entry
what is Capital WIP?
Expand RMP
what is the entry for goods sent from one factory to another under inter branch transfer sale of the same compny and what should be the valuation for this purpose?
What are direct and indirect expenses
What is the difference between straight line depriciation method and written down value method?
6 Answers Deloitte, Sky n Sea Cargo,
I am completed MBA finance & Mcom, I had 8 years experience in accounts field. I am interested in software. can shift my in software. whcih course i select
• What are the types of cash flows?
type of reconciliation?
expand P D F
what is the meaning of RTGS? why & where is it used?
29 Answers Accounting, Bosch, Genie Auto, ICICI, Ing Vysya Bank,