code to see the priview of the image which is being uploaded
(after browising the image... just click priview ... how it
will be visible...before uploading)
How to define a function with any number of arguments?
What is empty php?
What is http get and post?
What the difference between WAMP5 1.7.3 and WampServer 2?
Explain me what are the differences between mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_object(), mysql_fetch_row()?
Which is a perfect example of runtime polymorphism?
How to create database connection and query in php?
Why use php artisan serve?
What is psr in php?
What are the php functions?
i was set new individual folder for saving session values,the folder name is session and i set 777 permission,using session.save_path function like session.save_path "/home21b/sub004/sc21311-ULCX/" but it causing Warning: Unknown(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid/gid is 12112/12112 is not allowed to access /home21b/sub004/sc21311-ULCX/ owned by uid/gid 12267/12267 in Unknown on line 0 ,please tell what changes make this script, i was using .htaccesss file..plz help me....
How to pass an argument to a function?