fill in the Blanks

Working capital=____________________________

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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer / sindujaramkumar

Working Capital = current asset - current liability

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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer /

To say simply It is the available cash for day to day
business operations.We can explain it thru equation excess
of current assets over current liabilities

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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer / sarita


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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer / pranjal

Current assets - current liabilities

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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer / arun chennai

WC = CA - CL

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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer / musthafa kotopadan

Working capital= Current asset-current liability

if asset. 10000/- and liability. 5000/-
wk is=5000
answer is: positive working capital

if asset. 20000/- and liability. 30000/-
wk is=10000
answer is: negative working capital

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fill in the Blanks Working capital=____________________________..

Answer / mandeep

Current assets - current liabilities

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