What is the road permit
I want to sale in outside of state what is the required
Document and why.
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Answer / shiwani
sale tax form Vat D3(ST-outward) when sale outside the state.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 56 Yes | 11 No |
Answer / gopinathan
Before giving anser of above quetion I want to state
something about Road Permit. I shallbe highly obliged if
you will clear out the matter.
Recently I have despatched one bundle machinery parts to
Kekhra,Bagpat, U.P. under road permit form No. 38 of UP
Govt.through M/s. Jaipur Golden Transport, Ahmedabad. I
have got some mistake while writing Invoice amoiunt in
words in the form No.38. The Transport company has not
accepted the material and refused to book the material for
U.P. showing the reason that the form 38 is overwritten. Is
it correct way? What is the problem facing by the Transport
Co. for any correction in the form 38 ? Whenever we have
got overwriting in our Cheque Books we can use the same
after puting our signatures at corrected places. Also
in 'C' form issued by Sales-tax authorities we can make any
changes in the form by writing and we can put our
signatures at the corrected place. If these all valid
documents are acceptable then why the Tranmsport Co. is not
accepting theRoadway permit form 38 if any correction is
made ?
The road permit is giving permission to enter the goods
from outside the state with permission of Sales tax
authorities and Statement Governemnt.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 34 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / haushala
what is gate pass to buye the goods from out of karnataka ?
i would like to buye rubber patch label from up state but
factory is asking gate pass to inter the goods in karnataka
which from to be send ?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / nitin
you can check the same with other transport companies
regarding that you have overwritten the amount.
that whether they are accepting the same with cutting if
they are accepting you can claim the amount from your
presently transport co.(jaipur golden transport)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 5 No |
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