friends i know what is regression testing but i need an real time example from any of the projects..
5 20898can anyone answer this question the DICTIONARY OBJECT....i created the dictionary object in reserved object i have some sets of values i want to retrieve the item i done too my question is now i saved the test and close the qtp tool ,again i opened now i retrieve the same item in the dictionary is it possible ????. friends when i try to do this i am getting empty message box i mean no value will be retrieved ......ans me any one plz...
1 3432can anyone answer this question the DICTIONARY OBJECT....i created the dictionary object in reserved object i have some sets of values i want to retrieve the item i done too my question is now i saved the test and close the qtp tool ,again i opened now i retrieve the same item in the dictionary is it possible ????. friends when i try to do this i am getting empty message box i mean no value will be retrieved ......ans me any one plz...
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