Hi, I want to retrieve the cell data in the WebTable.
For that I have defined a new test object under the browser
and have given html tag and text as the test object
properties. But while I try to identify it it says 'Object
description is not unique'. I tried adding innerhtml,
outerhtml, innertext and outertext along with the ordinal
identifiers; but no use. What more properties need to be
added to identify it?
Also I want to enable smart identification for this object
but the field is disabled in the object repository for this
object alone(In QTP tools->object identification the enable
smart identification checkbox is enabled). How do I enable

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Hi, I want to retrieve the cell data in the WebTable. For that I have defined a new test object und..

Answer / tanuj

For that 1st u defined the web table in OR then
u try this Query-

in row,column u feed which cell data u want.ur cell data store in text.which r checked by u through the msgbox or orthers....

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Hi, I want to retrieve the cell data in the WebTable. For that I have defined a new test object und..

Answer / kishore

Now the cell data whih u r tryi ing to retreive is it
Now if its a webelement go for the property inner text

but i think u tried this


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Hi, I want to retrieve the cell data in the WebTable. For that I have defined a new test object und..

Answer / dipu krishnan

The Smart Identification can be disabled due to the
following reason:-

Open QTP
Under File Menu you can find an item called "Setting".
Click "Setting" which will display the "Test Setting" tab.
Select "Run" in the test setting tab. This will display a
checkbox "Disable Smart identification durning the run
Uncheck this checkbox. This will enable smart
identification for this object.

I hope once smart identification is enabled your problem
will be solved.

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