What is the meaning When we write "#include" what is # and
what does include does there???

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What is the meaning When we write "#include" what is # and what does include does there??..

Answer / prasanna

For example,# is probably known as the pre-processor,because
its called conditional platform code.And also its a header
part section.
The #include use in 2 ways.One is the #include<filename> and
second is the #include"filename".The First one,if the file
is not found there the compiler checks the source header
directory.If the file is not still found there,the
pre-processor checks the current directory....

If the file is not found there the compiler
checks the compile include directory.If the file is still
not found there the pre-procesor checks the source header

The compiler first checks the compile include directory
for the specified file.

And also thanks for giving the chance for scribble here.

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What is the meaning When we write "#include" what is # and what does include does there??..

Answer / sakthivel.m

Header file used for to accepped the total programs and
steps in c language.


#--> preprocessor (define a programing checking concept)

include--> it interface both the header file and preprocessor

< >--> Expretion of header file area

" "--> charater type using a section of header file.

stdio.h--> standard input output.header (header file name)

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