service tax form no ?
What is CC Limit ?
What is branch accounts?
What is re-financing in Letter of Credit settlement
What are the Functions of Accounting
A commerce interview book specially designed for Unemployees,Employees,Lecturers,Commerce students and enterpenuers trying to devlop the the commerce subject is going to be published. A sample book on the interviews is ready for free circulation to you. It contains Income tax, Journal entries useful for various occassions,Terminology, Terminology test, Multiple answers,Fill in blanks and Abbreviations. If neede send your e-mail id to me for immediate circulation. It is quite free free to you. My e- mail id
How does the accounting treatment of a partner's salary differ from that of an employee's salary in a partnership?
why net profit is added to balance sheet, is there any reason
Fiscal year variant F1 has 6 posting periods and fiscal year variant F2 has 4 posting periods. The posting have different start and ending dates.assign posting period variant F1 is assigned to leading ledger (0L) and F2 is assigned to the non-leading ledger(N1). You get an error message when making a posting in the non-leading ledger.?( any 1 answer) • The posting period variant of the non-leading ledger and the leading are different • The fiscal year variant of the non-leading ledger and the leading ledger are different • The posting is being made in a special period, but both variants are examples of a shortened fiscal year • The posting period for the non leading ledger group”N1” is closed
what is the fullform of CRR, GDP& WHAT ARE CURRENT5 CRR & GDP
Canu send me account aptitude questions
Amounts earned by a business organisations are called _____
In telephronic round i would like to know what questions will be asked to a person and how we should answer it?
What is Owner's Equity?