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How many accounting standards issued by ICAI?
We are working as Merchant Exporter. My Question is can we Sale the products against 'H' Form to the Exporter after purchasing the material against 'C' Form? Or only Manufacturer can make sale against 'H' Form.
Is Advertising expences treated as capital expenditure or deffered revanue expenditure
What is the significance of Journal entry
types of accounts and its rules
what is the retainned earnings account? why are you take for the x?
Please explain a Representative Personal Account.
i request you to give me the sbi bank a/c cleark post , syallbus and any book related to sbi bank a/c clerk
How to enter every month employees salaries in P&L a/c and why we use JOURNAL VOUCHER for salaries?
Ramana deposited directly in our Andhra Bank towards deposit for DealershipRs 15000/-Pass entry
you purchase a machinary on a loan what is the joury entry for that and where will you show the the loan amount in balance sheet and show the ledger account?