How to import the Zip files into SAS? If it is possible in
SAS? If it is posible write the code...
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Answer / sushil nayak
Yes, reading a ZIP file in Windows SAS is possible. Use the Winzip Command Line Support Add-on and a FILENAME statement to read zipped files into a SAS data set.
Check out this link :: Sample 26011: Reading zipped files on Windows ::
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / vinod kumar
We can read the zipped files in to SAS by using the SASZIPAM
filename file1 saszipam 'd:\Myfiles\';
data dset;
infile file1(dumps1.csv) dlm=','; *-dumps1.csv is one of
the file in zipped file;
input email $ name $ address $ city $ zip $;
put _infile_;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / paul
to read zip files SAS has special keyword i.e., SASZIPAM
FILENAME myzipfile SASZIPAM 'd:\filelocation\';
data _null_;
infile myzipfile(sales_JAN);
put _infile_;
/*here iam extracting sales_JAN file from file
since we don't know the file structure put everything to log.
to see the file names in zip, physically access the zip file
without extracting the file contents. */
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sanjay
filename foo pipe '"c:\program files\winzip\wzunzip.exe"
-o -c
/* The zip file,, is flat file
created */
/* from PROC Export and SASHELP.CLASS.
data test;
/* Use FIRSTOBS= to skip the first 8 records related to
zip */
/* information, and the 9th record which contains a header
/* record of variable names from SASHELP.CLASS.
infile foo firstobs=10 truncover dsd;
input name :$9. sex :$1. age height weight;
proc print;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / no no no noooo
DATAFILE= "C:\Users\1234Documents\SENTHIL\"
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 6 No |
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