how will u create "n" possible tables in sql...
What are wait types?
wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands for records
what is the difference between delete table and truncate table commands? : Sql server database administration
Who is the owner of a schema in ms sql server?
What is the datatype returned by count(*)
22 Answers 247Customer, Asian CERC,
Hi SQL gurus, i am working for an MNC... My team is having a problem in sql server. when user slects date prompts from jan 1st to april 30, it should display all months data like : jan aa feb bb mar cc but when it comes to april its taking data like : jan aa feb bb mar cc apr dd...and so on means its taking data again from jan to april which we dont want. we want the data only april month as we are getting jan, feb and mar... can any one write the code to relsove the issue please would be greatful if you can send to and also please send your email also that we will be in touch for any kind of queries ... Thanks a lot in Advance !!!
What are the source of constraints?
Why you need indexing? Where that is stored and what you mean by schema object? For what purpose we are using view?
What are “phantom rows”?
What is dataset and its uses
Explain use of expression builder.
what is database replicaion? What are the different types of replication you can set up in sql server? : Sql server database administration