i am niharika i had filled online form for sbi clerical
exam on 29 dec so after how many days the rollnumber they
are sending to us because only one month is left for exam
plz guide me bcoz i am giving this exam for first time
What does the abbreviation ATR stand for?
hi can any one can send me the previous papers of federal bankof clerical and po.plz send to anithagodugu@gmail.com.
Hi all, While I'm applying for the written exam wrongly I gave as general and later I came to know bef the interview tht I'm BC:(..I got proper singatures at the back of the call letter..but while interviewing me they dint consder tht.Will it be a negative for me during the selection and under which category i'll be considered Can any one guide me regarding this.
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hi is their any one who has been called for an SBI associate banks interview on 26th-may 2009 at Bangalore.(From karnataka)...if so then please mail me ddeep_kanade@rediffmail.com
3 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Difference between SLR & CRR
2 Answers RBI, State Bank of Hyderabad SBH, State Bank Of India SBI,
hai friends iam also selected for s b h nay body tere plz call to 9718404211
hi friends, has anybody have an idea about how many question will be ask in each objective test of how many marks in sbi clerical exam to be held in nov?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
what kind of question asked in clerk interview in corporation bank and what is the pattern of computer literacy test.
1 Answers ABN, Corporation Bank,
hello i hv cleared the allahbad bank interview by god's grace congrats to those who hv cleared the same if anyone got the appointmentletter, plz do send me a mail at sharma_rahul9@yahoo.co.in
what is the meaning of allahabad bank logo?
What is the basis for issuing currency notes. How much RBI can issue currency notes.
2 Answers Banking, Ernst Young, HDFC, Indian Overseas Bank,