Can you prevent a class from overriding?

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Can you prevent a class from overriding?..

Answer / techy_unknown


I think the question itself is illogical.

The term "overriding" is ONLY and ONLY associated with
methods/properties not to the class.

So, if the question is put a like, "How to prevent methods
not to be overriden?" then the answer is: "Make them non-

And if the question is put a like, "How to prevent the
inheritance for a specific class?" then the answer
is, "Make the calss sealed."

I really hope that the reply makes sense here.

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Can you prevent a class from overriding?..

Answer / aa

make the class sealed

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 7 No

Can you prevent a class from overriding?..

Answer / nazrul

we can use sealed keyword at the time of declartion of class
thorugh which it won't inherit and won't be overide.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 6 No

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