Can anyone send me NIC question papers alongwith answers on Urgently needed.. Thanks in advance
technical interview questions and process
can we use commit,rollback in triggers and how?
is possible to delete specific data in a row by using of sql query?
suppose we have ten members of a physical file but we want the output of last 5 members to achieve that?
What is the worst case of AVL tree?
Suppose i have all the implementation code required is written in doGet() but my class has doPost() method. i need code implemented in doGet() how can we do that?
What is the difference between windows 98/2000/XP Operating Systems?
16 Answers CMS, Siemens, TCS,
what is the system development cycle
10.Define filters,binary to hexadecimal,hexadecimal to decimal?
what are all the validation we need to perform in data stage?
How do you initialize a static member of a class with return value of some function?
write a program for finding the union of two integer array in java?