please can any body explain regarding DLQ, rules table we
need to create or it will get created when we run runmqdlq,

appreciate if any body replies.

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please can any body explain regarding DLQ, rules table we need to create or it will get created wh..

Answer / atul sharma

As we know Dead Letter Queue Used for storing the messages
those are not routed or their Transmission Queue is Not
Present OR Queue Manager Down .
We make Rule table for Dead letter Queue by which all
messages are easly routed to there destination queue when
application starts.


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please can any body explain regarding DLQ, rules table we need to create or it will get created wh..

Answer / raj

It means dead letter queue,also said to be as a fail over
There is one system dead letter queue available
if u want u can use that one
or u want u create ur own queue.

If anything happens to the main queue the messege will go
to the dead letter queue.

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please can any body explain regarding DLQ, rules table we need to create or it will get created wh..

Answer / afroz

DLQ - Dead Letter Queue

If an application tries to put a message to another
application and if it is not delivered then it goes to the
DLQ. So DLQ is nothing but all undelivered messages stored
in DLQ.

Alterenate Defination:
The dead-letter queue is a local queue where messages are
put if they cannot be routed to their intended destination

You need to create a DLQ at the time of creating a Queue

crtmqm -q -d MY.DEFAULT.XMIT.QUEUE -u

where -u is dead letter queue

Hope this Helps

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