does j2ee means advanced java

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does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / meeravali shaik

J2EE is a specification of J2SE.
javasoft people divided java into three groups.
they are J2SE,J2EE,J2ME.
Generally J2SE is useful to develop desktop applications.
whereas J2EE is useful to develop web appliacations.
don't think that J2EE is a software it is just
specification of J2SE.
J2EE means notonly servlets jsp butalso struts,jsf,ejb etc.
people are habituated to call java as core java,and
advanced java.
but it is not there in sun microsystems.
what we are calling in general is advanced java means
servlets,jsp,jdbc etc.
finally ....
please come out from the feeling of advanced java means it never like that..
it is our own idea......

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 7 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / deepak divvela

J2ee means nothing but combination of Servlets,Jsp,EJB

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 10 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / vijay

J2ee nothing but combination of Servlets,Jsp,EJB
Adv Java Means JDBC,Servlets,Jsp

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 9 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / devender negi

J2EE is specification which mention how we can create a web
application by using various components like servlet,jsp
java bean (ejb) etc..

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / rajarshi sharma

There is nothing Called as "Advanced Java" as per the Sun
Microsystem. This is just an eyewash/marketing term
invented by certain Java "Coaching" institutes for denoting
the J2EE specifications. The term may have come into being
as the certifications for J2SE and J2EE are different as in
SCJP (sun certified java programmer for J2SE) and SCWCD
(Sun certified web component developer for the J2EE part)..
So, inorder to have different courses (with different rates
of fees, of course!) for these 2 certifications
the "Institutes" came up with this demarcation. In reality,
both J2SE and J2EE have their own nuances and there is
nothing setting them apart as "advanced" or "core"

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / srinu

NO its wrong .Actually The Java relesed in market three

some course institution are divided into J2SE into two
1)core Java
2)Adv Java
Because the gain the money from the students.this
institution are taken seperate fee from core java,Adv java.
so finally their is no Adv java in java

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 6 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / ashok

J2EE is a specification that an application server or webserver must implement to give runtime and other service to J2EE componants

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 4 No

does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / rajesh r

J2EE is a specification from Sun to develope distributed
entriprise application.

Struts is NOT from J2EE spec, not only struts none of the
exisitng frameworks are not part of the J2ee Spec.

Struts is from Apache open source project.

Rajesh R

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does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / s.shekhar

J2ee is a specification, which provides a framework to
develop a web based application using Servlet, JSP, Java
Beans(EJB).Its also support distributed system.
While Advance java means Java, Servlet, JDBC.

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does j2ee means advanced java..

Answer / divya

j2ee means its not advance just comes under advance
java ...core java is all about basics of java...whereas j2ee
is extended version provided in java to create web
applications using servlets,jsp,ejb

To know detail things about java we have to learn advance
java which is one step higher than core java..thats its

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

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