can u explain call flow for roaming mobile to roaming
mobile?(both users are belongs to same state but staying on
roaming in different states)
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Answer / manjunath gk
Ex: Assume, A & B subscribers are from Karnataka and A is roaming in Rajasthan and B is roaming in Kerala
When A calls B
1. SRI message with the B MSISDN is sent to Rajasthan GMSC
2. Rajasthan GMSC will verify and finds that this call can be handled by the Karnataka GMSC and forwards the request to Karnataka GMSC
3. Karnataka GMSC sends forwards the SRI to HLR.
4. HLR prepares a search request using the B party MSISDN and fetches the B subscribers details from its database and finds the VLR/MSC number where B is registered (in this ex: Kerala VLR/MSC)
5. HLR sends PRN to the local GMSC, which is then frowarded to Kerala GMSC.
6. On receiving back the MSRN, HLR sends to the A party GMSC (Rajasthan GMSC)
7. Rajasthan GMSC using this MSRN prepares a IAM message and the ISUP trunk is ceased
Is This Answer Correct ? | 47 Yes | 13 No |
Answer / sanjay odedra
If a Roaming Mobile A call to a roaming mobile B,SRI query
will come to Home HLR,which then provides the exact MSC
address of roaming Mobile B.MSC where Raoming mobile B
present will provide a MSRN Which will be provided to MSC
which is current serving Roaming Mobile A via HLR.
MSRN will be used to route the Call.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 51 Yes | 19 No |
Answer / kishan
Can you be specific about the users whether they are from same operator of same state or different operators of same state.
Eg: User A is Idea and B is Airtel but both are from Karnataka or Both users A and B are from Airtel and state is Karnataka.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / govindhan
From the Location update info the A ( VMSC ) get the detils of the IN and an IDP is triggeted from a ( VMSC ) to IN then
IAM will be sent from A ( VMSC) to home GMSC which will do a SRI to HLR and gets the TCSI as a response .
Then the A GMSC will send a IAM to the B ( VMSC ) then the call will be established
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 4 No |
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