Hi ,

I need help form u. I need information about Cloud
storage.As a test engineer how can i test the cloud storage.

what i need to learn before going to test the cloud storage

These are the some of the Questions related to Cloud Storage.

1. What is meant by Cloud Storage?

2. What cloud storage Requires?

3. What factors should you consider before implementing
cloud storage?

4. How do Private storage clouds compare with large
commercial cloud service offerings?

5. Where to use Public Cloud storage?

6. Where to use Private Cloud storage?

7. Where exactly the cloud storage will be used?

8. Cloud storage means Maintaining the data some ware in
server or what?
If they Maintain data where it will save?

9. In which Environment the cloud storage can be developed?

10. Is the Cloud storage support XP OS?

11. Up to what extent the tester should know about cloud
storage to test the storage part?

Mainly send me the details how testers are going to test the
Cloud storage application.

Hi , I need help form u. I need information about Cloud storage.As a test engineer how can i te..

Answer / nivas

What is ‘cloud computing’?
Many people are confused as to exactly what cloud computing
is, especially as the term can be used to mean almost
anything. Roughly, it describes highly scalable computing
resources provided as an external service via the internet
on a pay-as-you-go basis. The cloud is simply a metaphor for
the internet, based on the symbol used to represent the
worldwide network in computer network diagrams.
Economically, the main appeal of cloud computing is that
customers only use what they need, and only pay for what
they actually use. Resources are available to be accessed
from the cloud at any time, and from any location via the
internet. There’s no need to worry about how things are
being maintained behind the scenes – you simply purchase the
IT service you require as you would any other utility.
Because of this, cloud computing has also been called
utility computing, or ‘IT on demand’. This new, web-based
generation of computing utilises remote servers housed in
highly secure data centres for data storage and management,
so organisations no longer need to purchase and look after
their IT solutions in-house.
What does it comprise?
Cloud computing can be visualised as a pyramid consisting of
three sections:
Cloud Application
This is the apex of the cloud pyramid, where applications
are run and interacted with via a web browser, hosted
desktop or remote client. A hallmark of commercial cloud
computing applications is that users never need to purchase
expensive software licenses themselves. Instead, the cost is
incorporated into the subscription fee. A cloud application
eliminates the need to install and run the application on
the customer's own computer, thus removing the burden of
software maintenance, ongoing operation and support.
Cloud Platform
The middle layer of the cloud pyramid, which provides a
computing platform or framework as a service. A cloud
computing platform dynamically provisions, configures,
reconfigures and de-provisions servers as needed to cope
with increases or decreases in demand. This in reality is a
distributed computing model, where many services pull
together to deliver an application or infrastructure request.
Cloud Infrastructure
The foundation of the cloud pyramid is the delivery of IT
infrastructure through virtualisation. Virtualisation allows
the splitting of a single physical piece of hardware into
independent, self governed environments, which can be scaled
in terms of CPU, RAM, Disk and other elements. The
infrastructure includes servers, networks and other hardware
appliances delivered as either Infrastructure “Web
Services”, “farms” or "cloud centres". These are then
interlinked with others for resilience and additional capacity.
Cloud Application
Cloud Platform
Cloud Infrastructure
Types of Cloud Computing
Public Cloud
Public cloud (also referred to as ‘external’ cloud)
describes the conventional meaning of cloud computing:
scalable, dynamically provisioned, often virtualised
resources available over the Internet from an off-site
third-party provider, which divides up resources and bills
its customers on a ‘utility’ basis.
An example is ThinkGrid, a company that provides a
multi-tenant architecture for supplying services such as
Hosted Desktops, Software as a Service and Platform as a
Service. Other popular cloud vendors include Salesforce.com,
Amazon EC2 and Flexiscale.
Private Cloud
Private cloud (also referred to as ‘corporate’ or ‘internal’
cloud) is a term used to denote a proprietary computing
architecture providing hosted services on private networks.
This type of cloud computing is generally used by large
companies, and allows their corporate network and data
centre administrators to effectively become in-house
‘service providers’ catering to ‘customers’ within the
corporation. However, it negates many of the benefits of
cloud computing, as organisations still need to purchase,
set up and manage their own clouds.
Hybrid Cloud
It has been suggested that a hybrid cloud environment
combining resources from both internal and external
providers will become the most popular choice for
enterprises. For example, a company could choose to use a
public cloud service for general computing, but store its
business-critical data within its own data centre. This may
be because larger organisations are likely to have already
invested heavily in the infrastructure required to provide
resources in-house – or they may be concerned about the
security of public clouds (see page 9 for more on this subject).
What services can be used in the cloud?
There are numerous services that can be delivered through
cloud computing, taking advantage of the distributed cloud
model. Here are some brief descriptions of a few of the most
popular cloud-based IT solutions:
Hosted Desktops
Hosted desktops remove the need for traditional desktop PCs
in the office environment, and reduce the cost of providing
the services that you need. A hosted desktop looks and
behaves like a regular desktop PC, but the software and data
customers use are housed in remote, highly secure data
centres, rather than on their own machines. Users can simply
access their hosted desktops via an internet connection from
anywhere in the world, using either an existing PC or laptop
or, for maximum cost efficiency, a specialised device called
a thin client.
Hosted Email
As more organisations look for a secure, reliable email
solution that will not cost the earth, they are increasingly
turning to hosted Microsoft Exchange® email plans. Using the
world’s premier email platform, this service lets
organisations both large and small reap the benefits of
using MS Exchange® accounts without having to invest in the
costly infrastructure themselves. Email is stored centrally
on managed servers, providing redundancy and fast
connectivity from any location. This allows users to access
their email, calendar, contacts and shared files by a
variety of means, including Outlook®, Outlook Mobile Access
(OMA) and Outlook Web Access (OWA).
Hosted Telephony (VOIP)
VOIP (Voice Over IP) is a means of carrying phone calls and
services across digital internet networks. In terms of basic
usage and functionality, VOIP is no different to traditional
telephony, and a VOIP-enabled telephone works exactly like a
'normal' one, but it has distinct cost advantages. A hosted
VOIP system replaces expensive phone systems, installation,
handsets, BT lines and numbers with a simple, cost-efficient
alternative that is available to use on a monthly
subscription basis. Typically, a pre-configured handset just
needs to be plugged into your broadband or office network to
allow you to access features such as voicemail, IVR and more.
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is growing in popularity due to the benefits
it provides, such as simple, CapEx-free costs, anywhere
access and the removal of the burden of in-house maintenance
and management. It is basically the delivery of data storage
as a service, from a third party provider, with access via
the internet and billing calculated on capacity used in a
certain period (e.g. per month).
Dynamic Servers
Dynamic servers are the next generation of server
environment, replacing the conventional concept of the
dedicated server. A provider like ThinkGrid gives its
customers access to resources that look and feel exactly
like a dedicated server, but that are fully scalable. You
can directly control the amount of processing power and
space you use, meaning you don't have to pay for hardware
you don't need. Typically, you can make changes to your
dynamic server at any time, on the fly, without the costs
associated with moving from one server to another.
Why switch from traditional IT to the cloud?
There are many reasons why organisations of all sizes and
types are adopting this model of IT. It provides a way to
increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without
investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or
licensing new software. Ultimately, it can save companies a
considerable amount of money...
Removal / reduction of capital expenditure
Customers can avoid spending large amounts of capital on
purchasing and installing their IT infrastructure or
applications by moving to the cloud model. Capital
expenditure on IT reduces available working capital for
other critical operations and business investments. Cloud
computing offers a simple operational expense that is easier
to budget for month-by-month, and prevents money being
wasted on depreciating assets. Additionally, customers do
not need to pay for excess resource capacity in-house to
meet fluctuating demand.
Reduced administration costs
IT solutions can be deployed extremely quickly and managed,
maintained, patched and upgraded remotely by your service
provider. Technical support is provided round the clock by
reputable providers like ThinkGrid for no extra charge,
reducing the burden on IT staff. This means that they are
free to focus on business-critical tasks, and businesses can
avoid incurring additional manpower and training costs. IT
giant IBM has pointed out that cloud computing allows
organisations to streamline procurement processes, and
eliminates the need to duplicate certain computer
administrative skills related to setup, configuration, and
Improved resource utilisation
Combining resources into large clouds reduces costs and
maximises utilisation by delivering resources only when they
are needed. Businesses needn’t worry about over-provisioning
for a service whose use does not meet their predictions, or
under-provisioning for one that becomes unexpectedly
popular. Moving more and more applications, infrastructure,
and even support into the cloud can free up precious time,
effort and budgets to concentrate on the real job of
exploiting technology to improve the mission of the company.
It really comes down to making better use of your time –
focusing on your business and allowing cloud providers to
manage the resources to get you to where you need to go.
Sharing computing power among multiple tenants can improve
utilisation rates, as servers are not left idle, which can
reduce costs significantly while increasing the speed of
application development. A side effect of this approach is
that computer capacity rises dramatically, as customers do
not have to engineer for peak loads.
Economies of scale
Cloud computing customers can benefit from the economies of
scale enjoyed by providers, who typically use very
large-scale data centres operating at much higher efficiency
levels, and multi-tenant architecture to share resources
between many different customers. This model of IT provision
allows them to pass on savings to their customers.
Scalability on demand
Scalability and flexibility are highly valuable advantages
offered by cloud computing, allowing customers to react
quickly to changing IT needs, adding or subtracting capacity
and users as and when required and responding to real rather
than projected requirements. Even better, because
cloud-computing follows a utility model in which service
costs are based on actual consumption, you only pay for what
you use. Customers benefit from greater elasticity of
resources, without paying a premium for large scale.
Quick and easy implementation
Without the need to purchase hardware, software licences or
implementation services, a company can get its
cloud-computing arrangement off the ground in minutes.
Helps smaller businesses compete
Historically, there has been a huge disparity between the IT
resources available to small businesses and to enterprises.
Cloud computing has made it possible for smaller companies
to compete on an even playing field with much bigger
competitors. ‘Renting’ IT services instead of investing in
hardware and software makes them much more affordable, and
means that capital can instead be used for other vital
projects. Providers like ThinkGrid take enterprise
technology and offer SMBs services that would otherwise cost
hundreds of thousands of pounds for a low monthly fee.
Quality of service
Your selected vendor should offer 24/7 customer support and
an immediate response to emergency situations.
Guaranteed uptime, SLAs.
Always ask a prospective provider about reliability and
guaranteed service levels – ensure your applications and/or
services are always online and accessible.
Anywhere Access
Cloud-based IT services let you access your applications and
data securely from any location via an internet connection.
It’s easier to collaborate too; with both the application
and the data stored in the cloud, multiple users can work
together on the same project, share calendars and contacts
etc. It has been pointed out that if your internet
connection fails, you will not be able to access your data.
However, due to the ‘anywhere access’ nature of the cloud,
users can simply connect from a different location – so if
your office connection fails and you have no redundancy, you
can access your data from home or the nearest Wi-Fi enabled
point. Because of this, flexible / remote working is easily
enabled, allowing you to cut overheads, meet new working
regulations and keep your staff happy!
Technical Support
A good cloud computing provider will offer round the clock
technical support. ThinkGrid customers, for instance, are
assigned one of our support pods, and all subsequent contact
is then handled by the same small group of skilled
engineers, who are available 24/7. This type of support
model allows a provider to build a better understanding of
your business requirements, effectively becoming an
extension of your team.
Disaster recovery / backup
Recent research has indicated that around 90% of businesses
do not have adequate disaster recovery or business
continuity plans, leaving them vulnerable to any disruptions
that might occur. Providers like ThinkGrid can provide an
array of disaster recovery services, from cloud backup
(allowing you to store important files from your desktop or
office network within their data centres) to having
ready-to-go desktops and services in case your business is
hit by problems. Hosted Desktops (or Hosted VDI) from
ThinkGrid, for example, mean you don’t have to worry about
worry about data backup or disaster recovery, as this is
taken care of as part of the service. Files are stored twice
at different remote locations to ensure that there's always
a copy available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
Should I be concerned about security?
Many companies that are considering adopting cloud computing
raise concerns over the security of data being stored and
accessed via the internet. What a lot of people don’t
realise is that good vendors adhere to strict privacy
policies and sophisticated security measures, with data
encryption being one example of this. Companies can choose
to encrypt data before even storing it on a third-party
provider’s servers. As a result, many cloud-computing
vendors offer greater data security and confidentiality than
companies that choose to store their data in-house. However,
not all vendors will offer the same level of security. It is
recommended that anyone with concerns over security and
access should research vendors' policies before using their
services. Technology analyst and consulting firm Gartner
lists seven security issues to bear in mind when considering
a particular vendor’s services: 1. Privileged user
access—enquire about who has access to data and about the
hiring and management of such administrators 2. Regulatory
compliance—make sure a vendor is willing to undergo external
audits and/or security certifications 3. Data location—ask
if a provider allows for any control over the location of
data 4. Data segregation—make sure that encryption is
available at all stages and that these "encryption schemes
were designed and tested by experienced professionals" 5.
Recovery—find out what will happen to data in the case of a
disaster; do they offer complete restoration and, if so, how
long that would take 6. Investigative Support—inquire
whether a vendor has the ability to investigate any
inappropriate or illegal activity 7. Long-term viability—ask
what will happen to data if the company goes out of
business; how will data be returned and in what format
Generally speaking, however, security is usually improved by
keeping data in one centralised location. In high security
data centres like those used by ThinkGrid, security is
typically as good as or better than traditional systems, in
part because providers are able to devote resources to
solving security issues that many customers cannot afford.
What about integration?
In order to make the most of your existing IT provision, the
cloud computing services you decide to subscribe to should
be able to integrate easily with your current
infrastructure. Key to ThinkGrid's enterprise offerings is
being able to easily integrate with customers' existing
networks, so that our services become a seamless extension
of those already provided by in-house IT departments. Cloud
computing infrastructure should allow enterprises to achieve
more efficient use of their existing IT hardware and
software investments.
ThinkGrid works with many channel partners to provide an
end-to-end solution to small businesses, so if a company
wishes to evaluate, plan migrations and move towards cloud
computing, this can be done quickly and simply, hand in hand.

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