What are the matheods of calculating the Head under
Salaries U/s 60(c)?????
what is cenvet credit in vat.
0 Answers Mediocre, Nabard, RBI,
Can we use ST-38 outward form for a sale of Rs-100000/- with in the state i.e haryana
I want PTR Number and I am working professionaly related documents i have but officer asked me to bring any business commencement proof. here,I have no business? so what proof i will give to him.
Is Accounts Payable and Vendor Payable are same ? If yes or no, why ?
I am salaried, can I get rebet of car loan from income tax?
2 Answers Omnitech, SSI Small Scale Industries, TCS,
Can fright charges be included to calculate vat amount?
I have appered for the interview of IOCL on 09/08/2008 for the post of Accouts Officer can any one tell me when the result will be announced.
service tax
Condition 1. If buyer A(in rajasthan) purchase the steel from buyer B(in gujarat. B is a plant of Company. A purchases directly from Plant. A having C form. what would be the tax levied on A. What would be his benefits through C form. Condition 2. If A purchases the steel material by the Company warehouse which is situated in rajasthan. A also is in rajasthan. what type of benefits A gets. Both the parties are registered. which condition is best for purchase either 1 or 2
which amount filling in c form (in invoice) its urgent basic value of item + excise duty + cst
What is cst if there is C from customer, Sale is from AP TO MP, Product is cooling machine.
Our firm is 7 years old. We don't have PT registration for partners as well as employee. If we do it now, will it be a problem or how much penalty will come. Any one can give suggestion.