When the mutating error will comes? and how it will be

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When the mutating error will comes? and how it will be resolved?..

Answer / chandu

when we try to dml operation on orginal table in trigger.
then the trigger was excuted but while perfoming any action
on original table it will show mutating..

to overcome the above problem we need to create a autonamous
trasaction trigger..

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When the mutating error will comes? and how it will be resolved?..

Answer / pravin more

Mutating error in Trigger:-
When programmer create trigger and give table name abc and
in body if programmer is using same table abc for
selecting,updating,deleting,inserting then mutation occur.
create or replace trigger xyz
on abc
for each row
referencing :OLD as OLD :NEW as NEW
select max(salary) from abc;

update abc
set location_id=:NEW.location_id
where dept_id=105;

In the above example you are updating same table which is
under transaction so mutation problem occur here.

Solution on this is
You can use Temporary table or Materialize view which can
solve above problem

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