What is the purpose of Scanf Print, getchar, putchar,

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What is the purpose of Scanf Print, getchar, putchar, function?..

Answer / vignesh1988i

scanf() is used to get the input from the user using the compailer.

printf() is used to output the messages given by the user in the output screen

getchar() is used to get a single character from the user.....

putchar() is used to output a single character and echo's in the output screen

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What is the purpose of Scanf Print, getchar, putchar, function?..

Answer / bhushan deshmukh

C language is procedural language. It contain's system
function for I/O, These function useing in Input and

1. Scanf :- function using for formated input.. with
showing some formated output message...

2. Printf :- Function using for display formated output on
3. Getchar() :- using for Get a only one character at one

4. Putchar() :- Using for a single character without

Is This Answer Correct ?    40 Yes 6 No

What is the purpose of Scanf Print, getchar, putchar, function?..

Answer / kumutha

sacnf()- input data can be entered into the computer using
the standard input'c' library function........

printf()- output data or result of an operation can be
displayed from the computer to a standard output device
using the library function........

getchar()- single character can be given to the computer
using 'c' input library function........

putchar()- used to display one character at a time on the
standard output device.........

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 3 No

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