Differnce between sel server 2000 and 2005

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Differnce between sel server 2000 and 2005..

Answer / narasimha

1)sqlserver 2000 contain query analyzer and enterprise
manger as a seperate tools but sqlserver 2005 contains a
single management studio(query analyzer + enterprise

2)sql 2005 contain CLR Integration

3)sql 2005 contain sqlserver business intelegent management
studio for dedugging sp's.

4)CLR stored procedures

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Differnce between sel server 2000 and 2005..

Answer / ashis

Sql server 2005 have some new data types like varchar
(max),xml. Sql server 2005 have SSIS instead of dts in sql
server 2000. SSRS with adhoc reporting. Some sys command
are changed like sys.objects, sys.columns.

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Differnce between sel server 2000 and 2005..

Answer / kumari

1)sqlserver 2000 contain query analyzer and enterprise
manger as a seperate tools but sqlserver 2005 contains a
single management studio(query analyzer + enterprise

2)sql 2005 contain CLR Integration

3)sql 2005 contain sqlserver business intelegent management
studio for dedugging sp's.

4)CLR stored procedures

5) SQL 2005 integrates very well with Visual Studio and dot
net as well.
6)One of the new features of security is that it can be
applied in a way
you want. Its quite flexible but it can get quite confusing
if you are
not sure of what you want to do. Users and groups can be
quite extensibly with the new security features.

7) The DTS of SQL 2000 has been replaced with SSIS (Sql
Server Integrated
Services) - Its an advanced version of dts but can do more
than dts. You
can manipulate all your data, within each SQL task and
theres a whole
list to it. Each field or column of data retrieved for the
purpose of
transfer can be manipulated in a variety of ways, and using
just what
you require for the final extract or transfer

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