how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?

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how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?..

Answer / surendra singh adhikari

firstly installed the require rpm for samba,
like this :-- yum install samba -y
yum install samba-swat -y

then open samba file under /etc dir,
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
and enter your share path,valid user.
Ex. comment = windows sharing
path = path/your/share/directory
valid users = surendra
writable = yes
browseable = yes

then type testparm for code testing.

then give the password to smb users :-
smbpasswd -a surendra

and finally restart the service of samba:-

/etc/init.d/smb start
chkconfig smb on ( for permanent on)

Is This Answer Correct ?    46 Yes 6 No

how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?..

Answer / shashi

service profile:
rpm: samba
samba-common (client side)

Daemon: smb
port number: samba 445
netbios 137 (udp)

configuration file: /etc/samba/smb.conf

# rpm -ivh samba-3.......
# mkdir /samba (example note:share folder)

create share files in this folder


# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

Global settings
workgroup = WORKGROUP (if its domain envrn. enter
domain name )
Server string = samba for sharing (you can give
netbios name = localhost (give your server netbios name)
hosts allow = 192.168.0. (enter network ID or required

Share Defanitions:(end of the line)
comment = samba server
path = /samba
public = no/yes (if yes no need to enter valid
users, write list)
writable = yes
printable = no/yes
valid users = user1, user2 .......
write list = +user1, +user2 ........
(if there is ; bigining of the line remove it)

# shmod 777 /samba
# service smb restart
# chkconfig smb on
# testparm

create user:
# useradd user1 -s /sbin/nologin

# smbpasswd -a user1 (or)
# touch /etc/samba/smbpasswd
# smbpasswd -a -c /etc/samba/smbpasswd user1
# service smb restart
# smbclient -U user1 // (if client is
# get/put
(if client is windows go to run \\ enter
username and password)

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?..

Answer / parashara manu satharasinghe

Fedora Core 6
IP Address:

Windows 2003 Server
IP Address:
Active Directory: KSK.COM
Domain Name(Pre-Windows 2000): KSK

Windows XP Professional
IP Address:
A. The following software packages are required.

[root@linux ~]# rpm -qa|grep samba

[root@linux ~]# rpm -qa|grep krb

[root@linux ~]# rpm -qa|grep ntp
B. Clock synchronization
Ensure Clock synchronization between your Fedora Core 6, DNS
Server(if available) & Windows 2003 Server. If the server
and client clocks are different by more than 5
minutes(default amount in Kerberos 5), Kerberos clients(FC6)
can not authenticate to the server. This clock
synchronization is necessary to prevent an attacker from
using an old Kerberos ticket to masquerade as a valid user.
It’s advisable to setup a Network Time Protocol (NTP
compatible client/server network. Check for more

C. Configure Kerberos

Edit /etc/krb5.conf

default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
ticket_lifetime = 24000
default_realm = KSK.COM
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
kdc =
default_domain = KSK.COM
kdc = KSK.COM
profile = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
pam = {
debug = false
ticket_lifetime = 36000
renew_lifetime = 36000
forwardable = true
krb4_convert = false

When editing /etc/krb5.conf, please pay attention to the
syntax shown in the example as above and avoid using
statements not shown in the example and it’s CASE SENSITIVE.
In the [realms] sections, it’s advised to define the Key
Distribution Center(KDC) with numeric IP Address. Else you
have to get DNS server running.

D. Configure Samba Server

Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf

workgroup = KSK
security = ads
realm = KSK.COM
client use spnego = no
server signing = auto
netbios name = linux
winbind use default domain = yes
#removes the domain prefix from usernames
winbind separator = +
#this is the seperator used to separate domain from
encrypt passwords = yes

password server = KSK.COM
template shell = /bin/bash
comment = Test Share using Active Directory
path = /data
valid users = @"KSK\Users"
writeable = yes
browseable = yes

Now, test the parameters file with command “testparm”. It
should print out that everything is okay, and a warning
about the + sign possibly causing problems with domain
joins. This can be safely ignored. To join Samba to an
Active Directory domain , you must specify “security = ads”
mode in the [global]section. The “security = ads” statement
tells Samba to authenticate to the specified domain
controllers(DC’s) using ADS protocols. The “workgroup = KSK”
stetement defines the “Pre-Windows 2000 Domain Name”. The
“realm = KSK.COM” ststement defines the name of the Kerberos
realm(which is also the name of the AD) for the domain
Sambae will be joined to. This should match the Kerberos
realm used in /etc/krb5.conf. The “client use spnego = no” &
“server signing = auto” statement must added into
/etc/samba/smb.conf for make sure work properly with Windows
2003 Domain Controllers.

E. Make sure Samba and Winbind services are stopped:

[root@linux ~]# service smb stop
Shutting down SMB services: [
OK ]
Shutting down NMB services: [
OK ]

[root@linux ~]# service winbind stop
Shutting down Winbind services: [
OK ]

The Winbind Daemon will map users and groups from the Active
Directory to Linux. If you have any problem with winbind
services (e.g. winbindd dead but pid file exists) when
running “service winbind status”, please check for more

F. Joining Samba to the Domain Controller

[root@linux ~]# kinit administrator@KSK.COM
(Enter Windows 2003 AD administrator password)

If you getting error message “kinit(v5): Clock skew too
great while getting initial credentials” mean that your FC6
& Windows 2003 DC clock are running out. Please make sure it
return nothing on the console prompt after enter the
administrator password.

[root@linux ~]#net ads join -U administrator
Administrator's password:
Using short domain name -- KSK
Joined 'KSK' to realm 'KSK.COM'

The username: administrator must have sufficient rights to
add workstations to the domain. You should be prompted for
the password for this domain user account, then an attempt
to join the domain will be performed.

If you still have the problem joining domain as mention
above, you may try using GUI tools.
Enter “system-config-authentication”, under “User
Information”, click “enable Winbind support”, click
“Configure Winbind”, make sure “Winbind Domain = KSK”,
“Security Model = ads”, “Winbind ADS Realm = KSK.COM”,
“Winbind Domain Controllers = KSK.COM” and click “Join
Domain”, enter the “administrator password”.

G. Testing
First, create a username “user1″ in AD server & make sure
the Windows XP machine can join AD domain successful.

Secondly, create “/data” folder in FC6

[root@linux ~] service smb start
[root@linux ~] service winbind start
[root@linux ~] mkdir /data
[root@linux ~] chmod 777 /data

Login to DC with username “user1″ in Windows XP machine,
click “Run”
click “cmd” and press enter.
Enter “net use j: \\linux\test”
“net use k: \\linux\test /USER:KSK\user1″
You should be able to see drive J: & drive K: which mounted
into Samba Server /data folder.

You may also use the command: wbinfo – Query information
from winbind daemon

wbinfo -u
Should now list all the members of the domain.

wbinfo -g
Should now list all the groups available in the domain.

wbinfo -a username%password
checks to see if username using password can
connect to the domain. Remember the password,
you have to type it as part of the command;
it won't ask you for it later.

[root@linux init.d]# wbinfo -u

[root@linux init.d]# wbinfo -g
KSK\domain computers
KSK\domain controllers
KSK\schema admins
KSK\enterprise admins
KSK\domain admins
KSK\domain users
KSK\domain guests
KSK\group policy creator owners

Gongratulation! Enjoy!

Manu Satharasinghe

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?..

Answer / dipesh kumar

service profile:
rpm: samba
samba-common (client side)

Daemon: smb
port number: samba 445
netbios 137 (udp)

configuration file: /etc/samba/smb.conf

# rpm -ivh samba-3.......
# mkdir /samba (example note:share folder)

create share files in this folder


# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

Global settings
workgroup = WORKGROUP (if its domain envrn. enter
domain name )
Server string = samba for sharing (you can give
netbios name = localhost (give your server netbios name)
hosts allow = 192.168.0. (enter network ID or required

Share Defanitions:(end of the line)
comment = samba server
path = /samba
public = no/yes (if yes no need to enter valid
users, write list)
writable = yes
printable = no/yes
valid users = user1, user2 .......
write list = +user1, +user2 ........
(if there is ; bigining of the line remove it)

# shmod 777 /samba
# service smb restart
# chkconfig smb on
# testparm

create user:
# useradd user1 -s /sbin/nologin

# smbpasswd -a user1 (or)
# touch /etc/samba/smbpasswd
# smbpasswd -a -c /etc/samba/smbpasswd user1
# service smb restart
# smbclient -U user1 // (if client is
# get/put
(if client is windows go to run \\ enter
username and password)

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?..

Answer / saravanakumar.j

yum install samba*
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
line no:74 workgroup=SMBGROUP
line no:81 hosts allow = 172.168.0.x
go to end of the lin eput entry
path = /saravanakumar
writelist = yes
readlist = yes
browseable = yes
validusers = saravanakumar
save & exit :wq
mkdir /saravanakumar
useradd saravanakumar
getsebool -a|grep samba
setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs=on
ls -ldZ /saravanakumar
smbpasswd -a saravanakumar
chcon -R -t samba_share_t /saravanakumar
service smb restart
chkconfig smb on
smbclient //stationx/saravanakumar -U /saravanakumar

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

how to create SAMBA server in fedora 9 linux ?..

Answer / gaurav chaudhary

create a yum Server
#yum install samba* -y
#vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
comment = share dir
public = no
path = /data
writable = yes
browseable = yes
valid users = u1
#service smb restart
#useradd u1
#passwd u1
#mkdir /data
#smbpasswd -a u1
#getsebool -a | grep samba
#setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs on
#setfacl -m u:u1:7 /data
#service smb restart
#chkconfig smb on
Now for check the samba server is working (Yes/No)
#smbclient //IP Address of the samba SRV(
-U u1

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

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