What is the difference between SCAN,CHECK,XLATE OPCODES?
please give me the answeres with example in real time
SCAN:this allows to locate a character or string of
character within a character field.e.g if we want a string
like 'abc'exist in a base string like 'mnoabcd'or not.
fact1 opcode fact2 result hi lo eq
'abc' scan 'mnoabcd' var-name 90
value of var_name=4 & indicator 90 will be on.
CHECK:this is just opposite of scan.findout absence of
character or string of character.
fact1 opcode fact2 result hi lo eq
'123456' check '111*1' var-name 90
value of var_namr=4 & indicator 9 will be off on this
XLATE:convert to upercase charecter to lowercase character
or vice-varsa.
declare in input specification as record identification
I 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv C LC
then uses in c-spec.
c UC:LC xlate any-name result length_dec
if fact2 is-RAHUL u will get rahul.
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