To connect the Data Control with Back end What are all the
properties to be set?
What is a datacontrol?
What are the different compatibility types when we create a COM component?
what are the Control Categories?
What is the use of Data Form Wizard?
What is meant by Establish Connection in RDO? 74.1s it possible to Access BackEnd procedures? Explain.
What is the difference between Property Get, Set and Let.
What is the use of ActiveX Documents?
What's the maximum size of a textbox?
Why do I get "object not an array" when I try reference the fields of a global object variable which I have set to a table?
What are the types of Instancing property that can be set for a Class in a ActiveX DLL and ActiveX EXE?
What is the latest version of visual basic?
How do we call MS- Excel in VB?