Hello everybody, my self is Imtiyaz, i made a small
database programm for challan in MS Access, but i am facing
one problem in it...
if u have seen any challan, it has few boxes like, crore,
lacks, thousands, hundred, ten.....and when you put a
figure like 20536, at that time in that boxis TWENTY will
wrote in "thousand" box FIVE will be in "hundred" box and
THIREE will be in "ten" box......
so, in sort i need to know that how can i do module for
this that it appears automatically in perticular
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Answer / darsh
Hi Imtiyaz,
use divison to devide the number by 10,100 the quotent will
give you the number for the box so for 20536 divide by
10000 you get 2 for 10000 , then when divide 0536 by 1000
will give 0 for 1000, 536 by 100 will give 5 for 100 and so
you need to use the length to deside where to start
deviding otherwise 0 in the bozes of lacks and crosre even
if the number is in thousands.
Hope this helps.
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Answer / mangesh deshmane
Dear Imtiyaz,
you just get that value in string variable , which U want to print on challan, and use left/mid/right functions to print the specific integer on required box. It is a very easy a popular method, I used the same.
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