what is folder sharing?
Explain hidden sharing and open sharanig
How can i assign that?

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what is folder sharing? Explain hidden sharing and open sharanig How can i assign that?..

Answer / sabyasachi

1. Floder sharing is a utility of modern OS, through this
we can share the necessary files and documents over the
network/within the network for accessing remotely.

2. In wondows OS family,

Rigt click on MY Computer--> manage --> shared Folders.

3. Using Group policy we can set the previllages to the
shared folders.

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what is folder sharing? Explain hidden sharing and open sharanig How can i assign that?..

Answer / sandeep barwal

Folder Sharing:--> The folder sharing means we can access
the files & Folders of other computer in our computer
without access the Desktop & Drives.

Hiden Sharing:--> The hiden sharing means we share the
drive with Sign $ & we can't see the drive in Network.

Open Sharing:--> The Open sharing means we can see the
drive in Network.

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what is folder sharing? Explain hidden sharing and open sharanig How can i assign that?..

Answer / bhavin jani

To share data, Files & Document over network, where the
user can Share & Collect documents remotely without
accessing there computer desktop,
There are Two type of Folder Sharing over network ,One is
assigned to normal or Group user those who can access
easily and second is System shared folder or admin shared
folder who only System admin can access this folder
normally this folder can be access through $ sign in last
of UNC path for eg \\computernamor IP\ test$

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