wt is a-z and a--z?
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Answer / veerendar alugola
you can see the below example for a-z:
data ptcde;
input ptid $ test1 test2 test3 test4;
1102 56 65 66 70
1103 55 85 62 77
1104 85 71 59 66
1105 55 100 120 61
1106 90 58 65 63
data abc;
set ptcde;
a=mean(of test1-test4);
when you use a-z it will consider only the range variables.
You can find the below example for a--z;
data ptcde;
input ptid $ test1 abc def test4;
1102 56 65 66 70
1103 55 85 62 77
1104 85 71 59 66
1105 55 100 120 61
1106 90 58 65 63
data abc;
set ptcde;
a=mean(of test1--test4);
when you use a--z it will consider all the variables
irrespective of the series.
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Answer / suneetha
If we consider 'a' as lower limit and 'z' as upper limit,
a-z is used to refer numeric variables and a--z is used to
refer to character variables.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / aravind9882
'a-z' means sas considers only alpha characters between a
to z where as 'a--z' means, sas considers a to z watever it
may b in between.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 4 No |
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