Can we use OVRDBF command without using of OPNQRYF ?
Or can we use OPNQRYF command without using of OVRDBF
command ?
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Answer / bharat
OVRDBF can be used separately without opnqryf to override
the attributes of file.
Now, OPNQRYF without ovrdbf, is also possible:
opnqryf creates the open data path and to share the same
data path in a program we use ovrdbf share(*yes), if we do
not use ovrdbf, then program will have its own ODP, so it
will read the file from begining on which query has been
run. So, OPNQRYF selected records will have no importance.
So, we need to use CPYFRMQRYF command and put the selected
recoreds in to runtime file and use that file to read in
Is This Answer Correct ? | 43 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / vaiv20
Yes it can be used when u want system to point to a
particular File/Member in a library while processing a file
in a high level pgm. Example, suppose u want to use a work
file in QTEMP , although other object of the same file
exist in the current library list. other way to achieve
this is by using Keyword EXTFILE and EXTMBR on the F spec
of that file in RPGLE pgm.
I think OPNQRYF can be used without OVRDBF but that
physical file should have been defined/changed with SHARE
(*YES). This will create a data path for the file to be
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / geo
This will copy the records selected from Open qry file and
put it in to the Temp file in Qtem that is newly created.
One can use the file i.e. QTEMP/TEMP with the records
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / deepak
Hi Bharat,
How to use CPYFRMQRYF can you please provide its coding?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 7 No |
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