What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main()
in C++.

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / vignesh1988i

there is no difference between main() in both of the
languages...... in c++ we will see all intrerms of
objects.... thats all......

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / gganesh

In c, main function will execute starting itself.
In c++, main function will execute finally

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / ayush jindal

in c & c++
the main difference is that "c" is based on top to bottom
approach.in "c"languge the header file is used as
#include<stdio.h> its also programable language.

& in c++ is based on bottom upto top approach. in c++ the
header file is used as #include<iostream.h> is used. is
also based on "object oriented program".

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / ayush

there is no difference b/w in c & c++ in main() function.

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / sagarika

In C language , main() does not return any value.
Hence there is no need of return type whereas in c++ main
returns the value. if there is no return type we should
specify it by writing the keyword void before main.

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / ppp

In c:
int main(){ void main(){
..... .......
..... OR ......
return 0; }

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What is the difference b/w main() in C language and main() in C++...

Answer / kishan gowda

Ther is a difference b/w c and c++ main()...After execution
of int main() in c it returns zero on null to the operating
system where as in c++ it returns 1 to the O.S.

In c:
int main(){ void main(){
..... .......
..... OR ......
return 0; }
In C++:

int main(){ int main(){
..... .......
..... OR ......
return 1; }//by default it retruns 1.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 12 No

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