What is the difference between > and >> operators?

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What is the difference between > and >> operators? ..

Answer / swapna

The '>' operator is used to create a file whereas '>>'
operator is used to append files.

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What is the difference between > and >> operators? ..

Answer / uday kumar_anem

'>' operator is used to create files. If the file is doesnt
exists, it creates and writed the content into that file.

If the file is already exists, then the content willl be

where as '>>' operator is used to append the content at the

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What is the difference between > and >> operators? ..

Answer / jacco noordhuizen

If a file does not exist both > and >> operators will create the file.
If a file does exist > operator will overwrite the contents of that file.
If a file does exist >> operator will append to the end of that file.

Example of use of both operators:
"echo blabla > testfile"
This will create a file called "testfile" with the text "blabla" in its content.
If there already was a file called "testfile" it will replace its content with the text "blabla"

"echo blabla >> testfile"
This will create a file called "testfile" with the text "blabla" in its content.
If there already was a file called "testfile" it will add the text "blabla" at the end of the files content.

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What is the difference between > and >> operators? ..

Answer / pradeep.k

'>' operator is used to overrite the file if the file is
already exist. otherwise it will create new file and we can
insert data in to that file.
'>>' operator is used to append the new data which we are
entering to already existing data in the file, means
concatinating the newly entered data to existing data in a file.

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What is the difference between > and >> operators? ..

Answer / biswajit

'>' operator creates a new file whereas '>>' operator adds
contents on the existing file

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What is the difference between > and >> operators? ..

Answer / amitava sanyal

If we save another output in neha.tet with redirection (>) it will overwritten the output in neha.txt, we can use (>>) instead of (>).
For example:

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