An array of size 5X5 is given to us. The elements from 1 to
25 are to be inserted in the array, such that starting from
a particular position for an element i, the next element
i+1can be inserted only at the mentioned positions (u,v),
and if these all positions are occupied then it returns
giving a count of how many positions have been occupied in
the array:
(u,v) = (x+/-3 , y)
(u,v) = (x , y+/-3)
(u,v) = (x+/-2 , y+/-2).

Example: if the starting element is 1 with the given
positions (1,2), then next element 2 can be placed at any
one of the positions marked with *.
_ _ _ _ _
1 _ _ _ *
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ * _ _
* _ _ _ _

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