i have 4 tables.. T1, T2, T3, T4..
these tables have the same structure and they store the
information entered in different years..
T1 stored 2002, T2 stored 2003, T3 stored 2004 and T4 stored

i want to copy contents in T1 to T2, T2 to T3, T3 to T4 and
T4 to T1..
how do i do that? Temp tables cannot be used..

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i have 4 tables.. T1, T2, T3, T4.. these tables have the same structure and they store the informa..

Answer / deepak

Just copy all data in T1 from T4.

insert into T1 (select * from T4)

Now do this assuming 'dateCol' contains the date:

delete from T4
insert into T4 (select * from T3)
delete from T3
insert into T3 (select * from T2)
delete from T2
insert into T2 (select * from T1 where year(dateCol) = 2002)
delete from T1 where year(dateCol) = 2002

This should move the data around without using temp table.

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i have 4 tables.. T1, T2, T3, T4.. these tables have the same structure and they store the informa..

Answer / madhu sudhan g



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i have 4 tables.. T1, T2, T3, T4.. these tables have the same structure and they store the informa..

Answer / siva

insert into T1
select *from t2
union/union all (without duplicates/with duplicates )
select *from t3

union/union all
select *from t4

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i have 4 tables.. T1, T2, T3, T4.. these tables have the same structure and they store the informa..

Answer / gaurav

dear u can do like

insert into t2 select * from t1
insert into t3 select * from t2
so on

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