How can we execute only one step in a job

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / sravanthi

We cannot specify COND parameter for the first step in JCL.
So if there are many steps in JCL, we need to restart the
job from the required step. A null statement at the end of
this step can be given for running this step alone. If any
other step also need sto be run, then we can go for the COND
parameter instead of the null statement

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / mohammad

I think we have to use restart and cond parameter
at job card.i.e restart=stapname,cond(00,le).
This will execute only the step u need.

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / suresh


This can be achieved by two ways.
1. As Sravanthi mentioned - A null (/*) statement at the
end of this step can be given for running this step alone.

2. By using COND parameter in the second step. Like

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / sathishkumar


Use cond=(0,LE) in jobcard and also specify
Restart=Stepname,the step you want to execute.

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / ram g

Assume that job has 100 steps ... want to execute only the
step 89 then

just give the following stmt in job card..
restart = stepname, cond=(0,le)

can achieve this in multiple ways..!

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / ankur


i know that by IEBEDIT IT can be done....

//sysin dd *
edit type=exclude, stepname=(step01)

but we should try with cond...

i know cond = only in first skip or flush the 1st step ..

just check it...

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / prashanth

we's possible

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / prashanth

hi, laxhmi,
we can execute only one step in a job by using
cond parameter, IEBEDIT utility program,

thanks & regards


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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / ramu

with con parameter

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How can we execute only one step in a job..

Answer / chaitanya

in the proc call statement, EXEC PROC, we need to use
stepname.COND=(0,LE) option

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