I am getting the following error when I run a HTTP/HTML
protocol script in controller. It simply says Error: 27764 -
“https://..... Failed”. I was given 3 solutions but none
of them worked. Offered solutions are
1. Change the Http version to 1.1 in the Run time settings
of the script. – Changed but still got that error. (One of
our team mate)
2. Check if I am running a mix of http and https Urls –
Checked and I am only using Https URLs. (SQA forum)
3. In the controller, add all the scripts to one group
using the ‘Vusers’ option – Done, But still getting errors.
One thing I noticed is If the servers are restarted and the
logs are cleared then the probability of getting this error
is minimal but as the time grows between server restart,
The number of error increases.
If any of you have come across this before please help me
in resolving this error

I am getting the following error when I run a HTTP/HTML protocol script in controller. It simply s..

Answer / mona

please post the answer of this qyestion.
i'm also seeing same error.

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I am getting the following error when I run a HTTP/HTML protocol script in controller. It simply says Error: 27764 - “https://..... Failed”. I was given 3 solutions but none of them worked. Offered solutions are 1. Change the Http version to 1.1 in the Run time settings of the script. – Changed but still got that error. (One of our team mate) 2. Check if I am running a mix of http and https Urls – Checked and I am only using Https URLs. (SQA forum) 3. In the controller, add all the scripts to one group using the ‘Vusers’ option – Done, But still getting errors. (Client) One thing I noticed is If the servers are restarted and the logs are cleared then the probability of getting this error is minimal but as the time grows between server restart, The number of error increases. If any of you have come across this before please help me in resolving this error

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