What is the difference between DTS and SSIS?

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What is the difference between DTS and SSIS?..

Answer / ramesh

DTS--> Data Transformation Services
SSIS-->Sql Server Integration Services
in DTS:Message Boxes in activeX scripts
SSIS :Message Boxes In Script Tasks

In DTS:dynamic Properties+ActiveX scripts
SSIS :Configurations+PropertyExpressions

DTS:no deploymentWizard
SSIS:deployment wizards are there

DTs:Limited Set of Transformations
SSIS:huge number of Transformations are available
DTS:ni BI Functionality
SSIS:complete BI Functionality

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What is the difference between DTS and SSIS?..

Answer / rajesh s. chandan

Internal architect of SSIS is entirely different than DTS
and mainly designed to achieve high degree of parallelism
and to improve performance. In Microsoft Business
Intelligence, Integration services are coupled with
Analysis and reporting services. It could process thet data
for Dimension processing and Partition processing.Using
Data profiling task you could analyze data before
processing and find out the percentage of null values.
Using WMI Data reader task you could get information about
system hardware, software and also network information.
More important, it has great security features like
password protection, Digital signature, Encrypt with
password. Even we could secure it using Operating system
permission and using SQL server roles.

SSIS is really a great!

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What is the difference between DTS and SSIS?..

Answer / maddy

The DTS and SSIS are both used in SQL Server
Transformations. Th e DTS was used for transformation
purpose upto SQL Server 2000 and SSIS (Including SSAS and
SSRS) are the advanced to DTS and are included in SQL Server
2005 onwards. The capability of SSIS tool in comparison with
DTS is tremendous. This SSIS tool is in competition with
other ETL Tools in the present.The SSIS has lot added
features as per the current requirements.

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