how to convert 100 into hundred repees only and viceversa
how we connect oracle or sql data server database to qtp. Hi Ram I was your answer for this. Can you kindly let me know in details steps on How we can connect to database. i am using QTP9.2 and SQL Server Database. I am new for QTP and this would be of great help.Thanks
QTP is identifying all windows application objects(i.e. winbutton,winconbobox,etc) as winobjects.How to handle this? Is there any way to add our own properties to identify objects?
How smart identification works in qtp ?
i have batch scripts in qtp and i want to update the status like pass/fail in excel sheet after excecuting the every script in to write the script for this?
How to analyzing Test Results using QTP?
when i am running login page i got test run error? Please give me the script to handle run time exceptions. It's urgent for me.
Is there anyway to have QTP go into a website and map out every object before I actually record any tests? I basically want to map out a website with all the objects and build a complete repository. The reason is because I'm running into issues with hierarcical objects. for example: Browser("ABC company- Home").Page("ABC company - Home").Link ("About Us").Click Browser("ABC company - Page 2").Page("ABC company - Page 2").Link("About Us").Click Both these links ("objects" and I use that term loosely as I'm trained mostly in OO programming) go to the same place but but the object heirarchies (pages) are different. I want a repository that will find any possible link on any possible page without having to manually record it. Is there a way to do this?
There are 3 types of frame works in QTP 1. Linear frame work 2. Modular frame work 3. Key word driven frame work. Can any body explain the above 3 frame work models.
6 Answers Fidelity, GDS, IBM, TCS, Wipro,
When to use descriptive programming?
how to get the object property
what is Smart identification
How can we translate the steps between the Keyword and Expert Views?