Who among the following persons has been
honoured with the Royal Order of the Polar Star by
the Swedish Government in April, 2003?
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which of the newspapers has won five putlizer prizes for 2004?
By which king successful completed Qutub minar? 1. Mohd. bin Tughlaq 2. Feroz shah khan 3. Illutumish 4. None
The indian variety of which of the plants has been proved to be the greatest pollution fighter?
find the greatest number of five digits which when divided by 3,5,8,12 have 2 as reminder
At present the major part of which of the follwoing central revenues goes to various state governments in india
A certain code ,EDUCATION is written as OPJUBDVEF,how COMPUTERS written in same code?
river which doesnt form the delta at the mouth of the
Can some one tell which institute is giving best coaching for Group-I and Group=II in Andra Pradesh.
What are the Dells EMR exam questions
calculate electron mobility
Rabindranath Tagore returned the title of knighthood to the british government to protest against?
6 Answers College School Exams Tests,