What are the advantages of the packages
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* The main advantage of package is one time compilation
process.while the first time of compilation the source code
is converted into P-code and stored in the database so that
for n no of time calling the pckg it does not take any
memory locations...
*Then whatevere the database objects declared in the
package specification will be globally accessible.
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Answer / akki julakanti
Advantages of Packages:
3.Better Performance
4.Information hiding
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Answer / chandrasekar.ramasamy
Package-> Compiles and stores all the procedures and
functions in SGA (System Global Area), so the performance
will be high.
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Answer / manoj kaushik
Advantages of Packages --Modularity,Easier Application
Design,Information Hiding,Added Functionality,Better
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / senthilkumar
Package is a group of related database objects like
functions ,procedures and other packages construct together
as a unit in the database.
Better Performance(when we are executing any
subprogram in the package, it will be loaded in to the
memory, so performance of the package will be very high)
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Answer / gireesh.p.v
package is a collection of procedures&functions.
we can use package by simply calling it
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