what are methods to identify duplicate observations?
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Answer / hari prasad reddy
3 methods.
1.using proc sort
2.proc sql distinct
3.set first.var and last.var
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Answer / ramesh sas trainar in stg
1.Proc Sort
2.Proc SQL Distinct
5.proc freq
6.Proc SQL unique
7.merge Statement
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sudha ramalingam
You can also use nodupkey and noduprecs in your proc sort
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Answer / natrajboga
you can Identify the duplicate values by using
1) sort procedure along with the dupout= and nodupkey stmt
options and followed by BY stmt.
2) use the proc sql
for example:
proc sort data=demog dupout=dup_demog nodupkey;
by subjid;
proc sql;
select subjid, count(*) from demog
group by subjid
having count(*)>1;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 4 No |
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