We have 3 programms A,B,C.In the middle of the program A
the controls goes to program B and in the middle of the
program B control wants to go program C,after completion of
program C again control comes to program B and again after
completion of program B control comes to program A.How the
process will takes and what are the controls we use for
that process.If it is possible anybody of you explain with

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We have 3 programms A,B,C.In the middle of the program A the controls goes to program B and in the..

Answer / chakri

Deepak if u want to make control go to program B from
Program A we can do it by using a CALL statement and same
way we can make control go to Program C from Program B . In
Program C we have to code GOBACK instead of STOP RUN so
taht control will return to Program B after the completion
of Program B and similarly we have to code GOBACK in
Program B so that control wil return to Program A but in
Program A we have to code STOP RUN as last statement.

I think its clear for u

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 0 No

We have 3 programms A,B,C.In the middle of the program A the controls goes to program B and in the..

Answer / shailendra

Hi the first ans will work when you are working with cics
and second one will work when jcl + cobol.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

We have 3 programms A,B,C.In the middle of the program A the controls goes to program B and in the..

Answer / rockish

XCTL may not work.. XCTL is used to transfer the control and
the control will not be returned back..

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

We have 3 programms A,B,C.In the middle of the program A the controls goes to program B and in the..

Answer / asmara

LINK and XCTL are helpful for the control flow

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

We have 3 programms A,B,C.In the middle of the program A the controls goes to program B and in the..

Answer / suresh ramaiyan

if it is a fully cobol program we can use the following
statement to pass the control to another program, which
will return the control to the next line of calling program.

A -> B -> C
In program A: call 'B'.
In program B: call 'C'.
In program C: EXIT PROGRAM.(instead of STOP RUN).

if it is CICS program, we have to user LINK for getting the
control back to the calling program.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

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