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What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / shobhit

As per my knowledge…

When ever we compiled physical file, the system generates
unique code or level code for identifying the file.

And when ever we compiled RPG program using that file, the
compiler store the Level code of physical file for further
reference. That’s call lever check.

Ex: If you compiled the RPG program and after that made
some changes in physical file, and then call the RPG
program without compiling again it will give the Level
check error.

Please correct me if I am wrong 

Is This Answer Correct ?    83 Yes 7 No

What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / mithun paul

Whenever PF is compiled, the system generates unique code
for identifying the file for future reference.

When we compile the Program that uses the PF, will use that
unique code of the PF.

If we now call the program, then its run successfully.But
if we change the PF and recompile the PF, the system
fgenerates a new unique code for that PF. So, our program
Don't have this unique code and hence terminates abnormaly
with a Level Check error.

The solution of Level Check error is when ever it happens
we have to either compile the PF with Level Check parameter
value *NO or we have to compile the program again.

Please let me know anyone, if i am wrong.

Mithun Paul
KMG Infotech Ltd.

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 3 No

What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / abhishek

As per me ...Whenever we compile a PF system generates a Rcd
Fmt level identifier , which is a unique no . for record
format . If this file is being used by some pgm and we
change the structure of our PF for ex. we add one more field
or change some existing field length then and compile the PF
, then system generates a new code for the record FMt .

Level check occur when we change PF structure and do not
compile pgm which is using that file . Because the program
will be using the old identifier.
If we want to check identifier then we can ue command DSPFD
for file and for program we can use , DSPPGMREF to see the
FMt level identifier which is used by program for that file.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 0 No

What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / cran

Level check occurs @ scenorios like u are working on rpg
program that has a pf file r a display file,
the program is running properly ith the intial unique
generated. u change a pf r dispaly file field length r
position and try to call the rpg program with out compling
the dds u get a level check error ?
level check *no is not a good practise

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 4 No

What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / srujana

When an HLL OBject is not linked with the current DDS then this error is occured called level check Error.

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What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / khanna

sorry i dont knw abt level check

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What is LEVEL CHECK?..

Answer / shriram

level check error is nothing but when we creating pf and
compile it then system generate its own unique code.if we
use this pf in rpg program then system refers this pf using
unique code this unique code is called level check error

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 12 No

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