what is the difference between dynamic NAT and NAT
overload ? and how it works ?

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what is the difference between dynamic NAT and NAT overload ? and how it works ? ..

Answer / binu cherian

Dynamic nat is one to one translation of a private address
to a public address dynamically whereas nat overloading is
one public address to many private address.ie we need only
one public address to connect to internet.

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what is the difference between dynamic NAT and NAT overload ? and how it works ? ..

Answer / souvik das

In Dynamic NAT there is more than one Registered/Global IP
addresses in the IP Address pool, Addresses are dynamically
assign with each private IP whenever any host(assignd with
Private IP Add) try to access Internet.

Otherwise NAT Overload is to assign only ONE
Registered/Global IP address to many private IP Add. It's
just "Many to one".

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what is the difference between dynamic NAT and NAT overload ? and how it works ? ..

Answer / lets

Overload allows multiple users to access the internet

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what is the difference between dynamic NAT and NAT overload ? and how it works ? ..

Answer / ganesh tikone


IANA provided group of public ip addresses for
communication between stub network ( Internal N/w) to
Internet (outside) network.
Here we map dynamicaly public group Ip addresses with our
stub network ip addresses (private n/w).


IANA provided single public ip address for communication
between stub network ( Internal N/w) to Internet (outside)
Here we map dynamicaly public Ip address with our stub
network ip addresses (private n/w) by using source port
number for each pair.Each entry will have separate port
number to identify source/Destination.max ports can assign

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