Write a Pseudo Code to fins the LCM of two given numbers

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Write a Pseudo Code to fins the LCM of two given numbers..

Answer / zain

using namespace std;
int LCM(int a,int b);
int main()
int a,b;
cout<<" ENTER TWO NUMBER : ";
cout<<"\n\n LCM : "<<LCM(a,b);
return 0;
int LCM(int a,int b)
int n;
if(n%a == 0 && n%b == 0)
return n;

Is This Answer Correct ?    49 Yes 23 No

Write a Pseudo Code to fins the LCM of two given numbers..

Answer / sudhir

int gcd(int a, int b)
if (a==0 && b==0) return -1;
if (b==0) return a;
return gcd(b,a%b);

int lcm (int a, int b)
return (int) (a*b)/gcd(a,b);

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 4 No

Write a Pseudo Code to fins the LCM of two given numbers..

Answer / mohit

#include <stdio.h>

int a,b,n=2,res=1;
printf("Enter two integers : ");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);

else if((a%n==0)&&(b%n!=0))


else if((a%n!=0)&&(b%n==0))


else if((a%n!=0)&&(b%n!=0))

printf("\n LCM of a and b is %d",res);


Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Write a Pseudo Code to fins the LCM of two given numbers..

Answer / khadanga

public class LCM {

public static void main(String a[]){

static void test(int a,int b){
if(a==0 || b==0){
int n;
int increment;
n = a;
increment = a;
n = b;
increment = b;

if(n%a == 0 && n%b == 0){
}else if(n > (a*b)){
n = a*b;
n = n+increment;

System.out.println("LCM for "+a+" and "+b+" is "+n);


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

Write a Pseudo Code to fins the LCM of two given numbers..

Answer / shailendra

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x,y,z;
cout<<"Enter First Integer:";
cout<<"\nEnter Second Integer:";
while(x/z==1 && y/z==1)
cout<<"The LCM of Both Numbers is:"<<z;
return 0;

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 69 No

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