When importing an excel file that has several columns each
with different number of rows into QTP's Global datatable,
how can you count the number of rows in a particular column?
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datatable.ImportSheet "C:UserspushkarDesktop123.xls","Sheet1","Action1"
For i=1 to rw
If c>0 Then
End If
msgbox b
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Answer / satya
Here is a piece of code where we are importing the exl
sheet DS and getting row count then using them in For Loop.
datatable.AddSheet ("DS")
Datatable.ImportSheet "C:\satya.xls","DS","DS"
RowCount = Datatable.GetSheet("DS").GetRowCount
For RowCount = 0 to RowCount -1
Datatable.GetSheet("DS").SetCurrentrow(RowCount +1)
val = Datatable.RawValue("username","DS")
msgbox val
hope it clear u...!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / srinu
setShet = Datatable.Getsheet("Sheet Name")
rowcon=shet.getparameter("colum Name").getrowcount
msgbox rowcon
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 5 No |
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