wt is Dynamic lookup Transformation?
when we use?how we use?
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Answer / ashis
When we use dynamic lookup the process is as follows:
1. When the first record is read from the lookup
table/flatfile, server keeps the value in the RAM also the
same information is written into two auto generated files
(having random names, forgot the type, hope it is something
related to index and cache).
2. When the next record comes for lookup, first the record
is searched in the RAM or created file based on the
conditions used in lookup condition.
3. If not found then searched in the Lookup table.
4. In case of dynamic lookup once value is fetched from the
source with modified fields it will be updated in the RAM
or autogenerated file for further lookup for same key
values, before the completion of the session.
(Example:- in case if emp_id 101 got modified more than one
time between the two runs).
5. In case of static lookup. It will always look into the
already existing value in the lookup table.
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Answer / padmavathi
What Ashis told is Exactly correct apart of this Actually
when lookup table contains less data then we will go for
the Dynamic Lookup cache, performance increases.If large
data is there means its better to go for static cache.
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