How to read multiple excel sheets from a single excel file
at once????
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Answer / sravan
Using libname statement.
Libname <lib_name> excel 'file_specification';
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Answer / rajesh
First you have to split the excel sheets and write the
program in macros and use the dde triplet.
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Answer / paul
we can read by a simple libname access method:
libname exlbook 'd:\excel file location\file name.xls';
proc copy in=exlbook out=work;
/*here i am coying the entire excel workbook to work library
in sas, so we can get all sheets at a time.
if we use proc import we can import a single sheet at a time
By the above method we can dump all table from a MS-access database or oracle database or any other db.
only we have to change the connection details, i.e.,
excel --> file name with path
access --> db name with path
oracle/any other RDBMS --> user=***, password=****,
path=**** or host=****
another advantage of this method is :
the library will not occupy any memory on hard disc
it only acts as a repository which save memory and
processing time */
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Answer / ashish
%macro pim(sheet);
proc import out= payment
datafile = 'E:SAS DOCprojectCredit Banking.xls'
dbms = Excel;
sheet = "&sheet";
getnames = yes;
%mend piim;
%pim(Customer Acqusition);
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Answer / lucylu
%macro read_moresheets(ifile, lib);
libname ixls excel &ifile;
proc sql;
select memname into :ds1 - :ds100
from sashelp.vtable
where libname = "IXLS" and index(memname,'$') = 0
%put _user_;
%do i = 1 %to &sqlobs;
data &lib..&&ds&i;
set ixls.&&ds&i;
%read_moresheets("C:\Ongoing\CallActivity.xls", work);
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 3 No |
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